Sunday, 4 March 2012

Fur is not fabric… fur is murder.

What do you think when you see a fur coat?? A symbol of wealth?  A fashion statement? Or the pain and misery of the animals the fur was ripped from?

There seems to be so much real fur on display at the moment, on the catwalks of the recent fashion weeks and on celebrities, I can’t help but wonder if people have forgotten fur isn’t a fabric. Designers etc. will tell you that it was obtained humanly, but ask how you humanly kill health creatures just so someone can have a coat and they struggle to answer. After all it is 2012 and there are alternatives and we don’t live in an ice age!  

Of course some fur farms are better than others, but any fur designs encourages fur into fashion and most people can’t afford the “humane” designer fur and buy the cheap copies where the fur comes from China or via pet dogs and cats stolen from the streets. Even faux fur feeds into keeping fur in fashion, plus faux fur from China has found to include cat, dog and rabbit fur.

As you can tell China has a lot to answer for when it comes to fur, this is because of the lack of laws protecting animals and lack of labelling laws.

The Chinese fur farms are living hell. Anyone that has been to one has said the only thing worse than dying on one, is living on one.

Ok here is where it gets horrifying... Animals on fur farm in China suffer the most barbaric treatment; they are left without food or water, to suffer all the weather elements, crapped into small cages. They go mad with the torment they suffer; they chew off their own limbs and some just scream the whole time.

When it comes to “harvesting” these poor creatures are beaten, crushed, anally or vaginally electrocuted or just skinned alive, after having their limbs (if they still have them) removed to stop them struggling. Most stay aware throughout the process and even live for minutes after the process is done. The killing is done in plain view of the next victims. If you can stomach it and want to check I’m speaking the truth there will be video links added soon on this blog.

When you learn about the horror & misery that goes into fur, you wonder how anyone could possibly want to be associated with it, but so many magazines, such as Vogue, and celebrates, such as Kim Kardaishian are on the payroll of fur companies it shocking. I would personally rather be a prostitute than earn my money off this horror.  

So next time you see someone in a fur coat, you will know who the real fashion victims are.


  1. Very good post Marion well done babe x x x x

  2. Great blog chick :). Hopefully people May see this and think twice about fur'! It's so cruel - Those pictures are hard to look at bit gets the point across! X.
    Danielle OXO.

  3. Thank you both for your kind comments xx

  4. Eating Meat is Murder too !
    GO VEGAN !!!

  5. Go Vegan for Animal rights World peace and for the planet.. Love Animals,Don't Hurt them,Don't kill them. Vegan is the right way.

  6. Hi everybody..I have been Vegan for over two months and I've just now found out that Mary J blige is one of these Bad fur wearer.. what a shame.. please find your Compassion all you Celebs,Wake the fuck up..

  7. Eating Meat,Eggs,Cheese,Milk, Dairy,is all Animal Cruelty.. aswell as Animal Skin-Fur.. Please find Compassion, End Animal Suffering,End this Horror this Blood bath.

  8. Eating Meat,Eggs,Cheese,Milk, Dairy,is all Animal Cruelty.. aswell as Animal Skin-Fur.. Please find Compassion, End Animal Suffering,End this Horror this Blood bath.
